Before preparing the Up4Diversity Training Modules and Workshops for educators the Consortium gathers scientific knowledge on bystander intervention and violence against LGBTIQ+ youth. To that end, 2 Literature Reviews were prepared in 2020, which you can download below.
This document aimed to summarize the main findings regarding existing practices in upstander interventions against violence towards LGBT+ youth. The report begins with the need to create these tools to combat homophobia, transphobia and bullying directed at the LGBT+ community in educational settings.
It is organized in A) General characteristics of Upstander Interventions; B) Successful Upstander interventions from the literature on bullying; C) Successful Upstander interventions from the literature on gender-based violence; D) Successful Upstander interventions related to the LGBT community. Do you want to see the strategies found and analyzed, and our 5 conclusions? Click below.
This document aims to summarize the main findings regarding existing practices in the use of digital media in upstander interventions against LGBT+ violence.
It is organized in A) Digital Media Upstander Interventions in Bullying Literature; B) Digital Media Upstander Interventions in anti-LGBT+ bullying; and C) Digital Media Upstander Interventions by the LGBT+ community. Do you want to see the interventions found and analyzed? Click below.
Findings in this brief highlight that there exists a vast diversity of training initiatives from public and private institutions in multiple formats, directed specifically to LGBT+ youth or to students in general, with an upstander approach or not. Many proposals are not evidence-based and/or have not demonstrated improvements, yet. Some do have a research-informed approach, and some have proven their effectiveness. They show short to long-term impacts on increasing subjective and objective efficacy and efficiency in upstanding behaviors, in teachers, other professionals, and students themselves.
Do you want to get to know these initiatives? Check the brief below.
© 2020 UP4Diversity