Empowering Young People and Youth Workers to Become Active Upstanders in the Prevention of Violence Towards LGBTIQ+ People in the Digital Era
To create a European network of professionals for the exchange of effective training practices.
To develop a set of training materials to promote an upstander approach to respond to violence towards LGBTIQ+.
To equip teachers, youth professionals and young people with the skills to become active upstanders in the prevention of violence.
To share the results with the final beneficiaries and general society.
To promote project sustainability beyond the grant.
To analyse training initiatives to prevent violence against LGBTIQ people in Europe, especially with an upstander and/or social media approach.
To achieve social and political impact.
Project management & coordination
Analysis of Initiatives and creation of materials to prevent or address violence against LGBTIQ youth
Creation of a European network of youth and professionals working with them
Training youth professionals
© 2020 UP4Diversity