Objective 1

To map the existing mechanisms for the prevention of forms of violence, harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in EU higher education institutions.

Objective 3

To design and develop a digital training course aimed at building capacities and equip different agents of the university community (teachers, other staff and students) with knowledge and tools for the design, implementation and evaluation of action protocols to address the attention and protection of the LGBTQI+ community more effectively.

Objective 2

To create a transnational network of collaboration between higher education institutions and other organisations working with the LGBTQI+ community (NGO, local administrations, others), aimed at advancing in the analysis of measures to effectively prevent any form of violence and discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community.

Objective 4

To disseminate and exploit the project’s results at the local, regional, national, European and/or international levels, to maximise the impact of the actions beyond the life of the project.
The global concern for the inclusion and protection of the LGBTQI+ community in different social instances, as well as the differences in approaches, degree of policy development and achievements among different higher education systems in Europe provide a rationale for the transnational implementation of this proposal. The project will benefit from the path followed by up to 4 different EU countries (Spain, Cyprus, Italy and Poland), and will enable powerful synergies around common problems and needs, thus co-creating solutions for the target group.


Our first priority is to develop an in depth and country-based mapping on existing measures for the prevention of violence based on sexual, orientation, gender identity and gender expression in higher education institutions (HEI‘s) in Europe.


Our program includes and extended agenda to develop national and international meeting in which to review and perfect the material and results. Carrying out dissemination and scientific publications in another objectives, returning our work to society and the scientific community.



Creating an online and interactive training course for building capacities among different agents of the university community is our second objective. It will help to advance in preventing of forms of LGTBQIA + violence and discrimination at HEI‘s.


Exchanging the results of our study and the online interactive training course will take place in National Project Lab’s. Each of them will allow to asses action protocols and exchange experiences of the project.


The international consortium is formed by Rovira i Virgili University, University of Cyprus, CESIE, University Degli Studi di Palermo, ACCEPT-LOAR KYPROS & Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej.


Research Group

MEDIS – Metodologia de la Recerca Educativa amb Impacte Social

Facultat de ciències de l’educació i psicologia

Carretera de Valls, s/n, 43007

Oriol Rios – Project leader
+34 977 29 70 72

© 2019 Hei4diversity