
Empowering Young People and Youth Workers to Become Active Upstanders in the Prevention of Violence Towards LGBTIQ+ People in the Digital Era

Objective 1 of Up4Diversity was to create a European network of professionals for the exchange of effective training practices.

After the lifespan of the European REC project Up4Diversity (October 2020 – August 2022), the Consortium agreed to continue organising training, support and networking opportunities for people working with youth interested in the project’s approach.

Each year we will do 4 online events of 90 min each in English. 

Session formats:

WHO is invited and expected to participate? 

Primary and high school teachers, trainers

Volunteers in formal and non-formal education and youth institutions or organisations,

Antidiscrimination experts

Young people and students

Members of the academia

…Anyone interested!

During the project lifespan we enjoyed 6 different events:

Participants from the following institutions have participated: International Gay and Lesbian Youth Organisation (IGLYO), Wel Jong, one of the leading LGBT+ organisations in Flanders; KU Leuven’s Diversity team; Dutch Gay Straight Alliance (COC), Departament d’Educació – Generalitat de Catalunya; Fundació Bosch i Gimpera; Active* Consent National University of Ireland Galway; Delegación de Educación del Gobierno Vasco; TGEU (Transgender Europe); OII Europe; Center for Social Innovation – CSI Cyprus; F.E & LGTBIpol; Associació Brúfol; Valencian Seminary “On the shoulders of giants”; Asociación SOMOS LGTB+ de Aragón; Arcigay; Háttér Society (Háttér Társaság); WAGA Association; Ministerio de Igualdad. DG de Diversidad Sexual y Derechos LGTBI; Polícia Judiciária – Prevention Team; ACT for SOCIETY Center; SUITA association; Young Intellectuals, Hope; NGO Re Generation; FemACT Azerbaijan Women’s Fund; International Coordination of Young Christian Workers; Hand to Hand Against Nation Apathy – H.A.N.A – NGO – Youth Center; ENGSO (European Non-Governmental Sport Organisation); Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus; MAG Jeunes LGBT+; LGBTQ-friendly School Ranking; Women’s Aid Ireland; Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia; Bavarian State Ministry of Education; Associació de Professorat ODISSEA; Youth center Laktasi; Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO; Galehi LGBT families from Spain; Octop’us; Youth Center “Perspektiva”; Catalan Government vers l’UE; Organization of creative grouping OOCG; Centre for equality and liberty for the LGBT community; Casal Lambda; Office of Commissioner of Administration and the Protection of Human Rights; CIG Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género; MIJARC Europe; “DiverCity” Social-Cultural, Human Rights Defedender NGO ; 

Research Group
MEDIS – Metodologia de la Recerca Educativa amb Impacte Social
Facultat de ciències de l’educació i psicologia
Carretera de Valls, s/n, 43007 Tarragona
Oriol Rios – Project leader
+34 977 29 70 72

© 2020 UP4Diversity